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"Just a few more miles"
We are a co-ed group that goes on river expeditions ranging from 50 to 250 miles. We are a drug-free, "Leave No Trace Behind", and BYOG (Bring Your Own Gear) club. However, we do offer rental packages. Please contact us for more information. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube.
"It's going to be a warm one today boys"... Jimmy Thompson
"Has anyone ever been down here before"... Jack Millet
"Stay Positive"... Mike Semple
"It should be an easy day today"... Marty Thompson
"This is on my bucket list"... Jack Millet
"It's about 5 miles as the crow flies"... Preston Lewis
"I keep smelling rum"... Kevin McDonald
"I brought a half-a-roll of toilet paper"... Eric Jackson
"My Dutch oven slipped off the shovel"... Charlie Mitchell
"That limb has a lot of goody on it"... Preston Lewis
"Can I borrow some ice"... Eric Jackson
"I'm just trying to keep up with Mike"... Arin Christensen
"The man picked up a tree! I'm not messing with that"... Kedron Houghton
"There aren't many Jack-traps on this river"... Preston Lewis
"Do NOT water the mule"... Wbeimar Zapata
"Paddle broke, need help with my stroke"... Thomas Smiley
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